• Monday, July 08, 2024


UK’s first PM of colour may have left but its new parliament sees record diversity

Eighty seven ethnic minority MPs have been elected to the country’s most diverse parliament ever, an increase of 21, in the just concluded general election.

The Elizabeth Tower of The Houses of Parliament is seen in London, England, on June 28, 2024. (Photo by Peter Nicholls/Getty Images)

By: Shubham Ghosh

A RECORD number of 89 ethnic minority MPs have been elected to the UK’s most diverse parliament ever, an increase of 23, according to analysis of the 2024 general election results by leading race and diversity think tank British Future.

The historic advance in representation means the new parliament comes closer than ever before to reflecting the diversity of the electorate, with around 13.7 per cent of MPs coming from an ethnic minority background.

Analysis of census data by Matt Singh of Number Cruncher Politics estimates that 14 per cent of the UK electorate is from an ethnic minority background.

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By far, the largest number of ethnic minority MPs will sit on the Labour government benches.

Ethnic diversity of new UK parliament
Ethnic diversity of new UK parliament (Source: British Future)

The 2024 parliament will include 66 Labour MPs from an ethnic minority background, 16 per cent of the new Parliamentary Labour Party. Some 14 ethnic minority Conservatives were elected (11.5 per cent), alongside 3 Lib Dems and 4 new independent MPs from a minority background.

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Women will again outnumber men among MPs from an ethnic minority background, with 50 ethnic minority women MPs winning seats and 39 men.

Sunder Katwala, director of British Future, said, “The 2024 election is a landmark for representation, with record diversity in our parliament, closer than ever to that of the electorate.

“In the space of 40 years we have gone from zero to nearly one in seven MPs being from an ethnic minority background.

“The irony that it coincides with the end of Rishi Sunak’s premiership as the UK’s first British Asian prime minister only underlines how ethnic diversity has become a new norm across the main political parties.

“Better representation doesn’t guarantee better policies on inclusion. Our race debates can often feel as polarised as ever. But a stronger share of voice matters. When the new Commons raises issues of race, ethnic minority MPs will be there to bring their lived experience to the debate.”

The 2019 election had seen 66 ethnic minority MPs elected to the Westminster parliament, the first time 10 per cent of MPs were from an ethnic minority background.

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