The book by Shalini Boland hooks you in with a great premise, but that grip gradually starts to loosen as the book progresses
By: Eastern Eye
Imagine being a bride, walking down the aisle to marry the man of your dreams and seeing someone else standing there.
And then no one present believes you that the groom is an imposter.
The prolific author uses this intriguing premise in her latest book, which is set in the present and the bride’s original encounter with the man, who has now seemingly disappeared. What follows is a psychological thriller filled with plenty of twists and unexpected turns.
The book hooks you in with a great premise, but that grip gradually starts to loosen as the book progresses because the author isn’t able to properly build on an intriguing opening and unique concept.
Instead of adding clever layers, the author offers up moments that stretch believability to the limit and drifts into melodrama. Although well-defined, the characters are not particularly likeable or relatable, which makes it difficult to get properly invested in them.
Those who enjoy escapist logic-defying books will find plenty to like in a story that does finally roll around towards a decent ending. The free-flowing writing, although a little repetitive at times, does make this an easy read and that is perhaps the writer’s greatest strength.
There are also some great moments scattered throughout the book that make you want to find out what is going on, and to see if this story can really work.
Some will find those logic-defying parts of the book thoroughly entertaining and great fun.
But if more thought had been put into the book, it could have been mind-bendingly brilliant. Instead, The Silent Bride doesn’t quite reach its potential but does have just enough to keep you engaged.
This is ultimately a book that is best enjoyed if logic is put aside and one that won’t really stay with you after it has ended.
by Chiara Khan