By: Staff
SOUTH INDIAN superstar Anushka Shetty has lit up huge blockbusters with her shining presence and in the process dazzled dedicated fans. One of those super fans is Hemchand Rachuru from Hyderabad in India, who goes above and beyond to show his appreciation. Eastern Eye caught up with Hemchand to find out more.
What first connected you to Anushka Shetty?
Her way of speaking, her insights into philosophy and her lifestyle of healthy living made me connect to her first.
What made you become her super fan?
Right from the start of her career Anushka did all she could to break the stereotypes and has taken the road less travelled to stardom.
Tell us something super you have done for Anushka?
Team ASF (Anushka Shetty Fans) was started by me with a small idea to get all her admirers on to one social media platform during Orkut days (2006). Till date, I have tried to mark her presence among fans through celebrating her birthday, organising fan meetings and cherishing her success through all the milestones she has achieved.
What has been your most memorable moment?
Meeting with her is definitely memorable as she comes up with unexpected warmth and sweetness in every meet. But meeting her for the first time on my birthday is my most memorable moment with her.
What is the thing you most love about Anushka?
Sweetness. It might sound cliché that every celebrity says she is sweet, but you really have to talk to her to understand why they say that. She genuinely loves people. No matter who you are, when you are with her she makes sure you are comfortable. She has a positive aura around her.
Which quality in Anushka do you most relate to?
Her composure.
What is your favourite work Anushka has done?
Her interactions with fans are right from the heart. She is very caring when it comes to her fans and gives importance to us. She trusts us and sends good wishes regularly. The fan pages that I am aware of are run purely out of love for her.
Why do you love being a super fan?
For everything she is. I love Anushka’s positive attitude, outlook towards life, body of work, the courage to accept challenges, genuine compassion towards others and a lot more.
Twitter: @HemchandINC & Instagram: @asfhemchandyadav