The high-energy Indian stand-up talent found laughter in diverse subjects that included dating, Bumble, failed experiences with drugs, getting older and life in lockdown
By: Eastern Eye
MOST top stand-up comedians will perform for an hour, including those who have specials on streaming sites. Sumukhi Suresh delivered an effortless 90-minute set at Soho Theatre in central London and could have quite easily carried on for another hour because she was that good.
The high-energy Indian stand-up talent found laughter in diverse subjects that included dating, Bumble, failed experiences with drugs, getting older and life in lockdown. She also spoke about drunk friends, going from being supportive when they were younger to being brutally honest in older age.
The naturally gifted performer surprised audiences with a hilarious account of unrealistic romance in Indian soap operas and acted it out brilliantly on stage. There was also amazing audience interaction, which saw her deliver lightening quick jokes, which drew roars of laughter. While all these diversions were highly entertaining, she was at her very best speaking about personal experiences, including a lecture from her Indian mother as a 13-year-old, explaining that any girl who smokes, drinks, or does drugs is a prostitute.
There were also moments where she mined comedy gold from painful incidents like being constantly fat shamed, her hormone imbalance and being rejected on a date. An intelligent account of being alone, which was relatable and had important life lessons, was another of many stand-out moments. What elevated the various elements to a higher level was a magnificent stage mastery and a natural ability to bring stories to life.
All the various strands showed quite comprehensively that Sumukhi Suresh is one of India’s finest comic talents, even if her mother disapproves of her life choices. It was another illustration that Soho Theatre in London really is the leader in introducing great Indian talents to British audiences. With a growing social media presence and impressive body of work, she is like a long lost friend, who is well worth finding