By: Shubham Ghosh
WHEN Hamlet said in the play that “There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy”, there must have been some element of truth in it. And recent news from the southern Indian state of Karnataka gave more credence to the statement, so much so that it has become viral on social media.
An user Anny Arun on Thursday (28) posted a tweet in which he said he was attending a marriage. What’s so special in that? Well, Arun then explained that both the bride and groom were dead, some three decades ago, and yet their marriage happened this week. If one found it to be something creepy, well that’s a part of the tradition of Dakshin Kannada, a district in the south-western part of the southern coastal state of Karnataka.
I'm attending a marriage today. You might ask why it deserve a tweet. Well groom is dead actually. And bride is dead too. Like about 30 years ago.
And their marriage is today. For those who are not accustomed to traditions of Dakshina Kannada this might sound funny. But (contd)
— AnnyArun (@anny_arun) July 28, 2022
..its a serious tradition here. For those who died in child birth, they are usually married off to another child who is deceased during the child birth. All the customs happen just like any marriage. Two families will go to each other's house for the engagement(contd)
— AnnyArun (@anny_arun) July 28, 2022
I reached a bit late and missed the procession. Marriage function already started. First groom brings the 'Dhare Saree' which should be worn by the bride. They also give enough time for the bride to get dressed!
— AnnyArun (@anny_arun) July 28, 2022
Arun posted a series of tweets to clear the air about the unique tradition. Saying the marriage of two dead persons might sound funny to many, he said in other posts, “…its a serious tradition here. For those who died in child birth, they are usually married off to another child who is deceased during the child birth. All the customs happen just like any marriage. Two families will go to each other’s house for the engagement, there will be marriage procession and finally tieing the knots. If you are wondering its easy to fix this marriage, hear me out. Recently groom family rejected a bride because bride was few year elder to the groom! Anyway I find these customs beautiful.”
He also said, “I reached a bit late and missed the procession. Marriage function already started. First groom brings the ‘Dhare Saree’ which should be worn by the bride. They also give enough time for the bride to get dressed!”
In another post in which he also attached a video of people standing in front of two empty chairs covered with white cloth, Arun said, “While bride getting ready groom is already waiting. Isn’t that always a thing?”
While bride getting ready groom is already waiting. Isn't that always a thing? ?
— AnnyArun (@anny_arun) July 28, 2022
In more tweets, he posted a video of people walking around the chairs with offerings saying, “Bride and groom do the ‘Saptapadhi’ 7 rounds before sit for the marriage.” Arun also posted several other videos of other rituals that were carried out at the wedding, in his long thread of tweets.
Bride and groom do the 'Saptapadhi' 7 rounds before sit for the marriage.
— AnnyArun (@anny_arun) July 28, 2022
He also posted a picture of the food which was served at the marriage party, saying, “Finally yummy food. Fish fry, Chicken Sukka, Kadle Balyar, Mutton gravy with idly And the couple ‘lives’ happily ever after! Probably in the afterlife!”
Finally yummy food. Fish fry, Chicken Sukka, Kadle Balyar, Mutton gravy with idly ?
And the couple 'lives' happily ever after! Probably in the afterlife!
— AnnyArun (@anny_arun) July 28, 2022
The Twitterati was taken aback by the posts and there was a deluge of reactions. While many were enlightened by Arun’s posts, others found the tradition strange.
Here are some comments:
Sound strange but definitely a way for parents to remember those children who somehow lost their life in their early ages
Idea not bad
May God bless all those souls who departed in their childhood
— ابن یوسف (@sahilseaview) July 29, 2022
There is also a marriage done with plants/ small trees that represent deceased ones and plants are taken care with lot of love. And surprisingly some of these plant have grown exceptionally faster than normal to become a big trees with flower foliage and bearing fruits.
— SuperHuman (@Kalbag_) July 29, 2022
Never knew this. Thanks for sharing!
— Anish (@anish_9099) July 28, 2022
Thanks for throwing light on this tradition. Never knew. Does this marriage has any special name?
— Salt'nSpicy (@saltnspicy) July 29, 2022
With no intention to be rude or criticize a custom, I find this extremely weird. Getting dead people married crosses all cases of absurdity I’ve seen or heard of.
— Barkha Samnani (@bsamnani) July 29, 2022
I think the tradition is present in Korean/Chinese cultures too. I remember, there was a Kdrama, Master's Sun (of So Ji Sub? & Gong Hyo Jin), where a dead bride is chosen for a dead groom by a Shaman, who is assigned by their families to keep the souls in peace in afterlife.
— AyeKay (@AKay0113) July 29, 2022
Are they really beautiful? You just mentioned how they believe that a bride cannot be a few years older than the groom.
— Mrinmoyi (@Bhoyheen) July 29, 2022