The series features Rasika Dugal, Ishwak Singh, Shrenik Arora, Poojan Chhabra, Rahul Dev, Rijul Ray, Zoa Morani, Sahil Salathia, Aru Krishansh Verma and Jamini Pathak.
By: Mohnish Singh
Prime Video and Emmay Entertainment recently launched their first Hindi horror series, Adhura. Soon after the seven-episode series released on the streaming service, critics and media reviewers applauded the series for its suspenseful mystery and engaging screenplay which comprises different and intriguing elements along with weaving some important issues in the horror-filled plot.
And now, viewers are also taking to their social media, sharing lots of love and appreciation for touching upon bullying and homophobia through the various characters and situations.
Adhura has touched the right chord of emotions among the audiences by highlighting the aspects of bullying and the far-reaching effect it has on young minds and also addresses homophobia.
Here’s what viewers praised about the show Adhura,
#AdhuraOnPrime ticks all my boxes. Intrigue, horror, psychological take on things, intelligent juxtaposition of LGBTQI representation and rights question, and stupendous performances by @RasikaDugal and @IshwakSingh – #Adhura is a good telling of a tale that would have gone kaput…
— Griha Atul (@GrihaAtul) July 10, 2023
#AdhuraOnPrime is one of the finest stories I have seen, this is the story of every second guy who got bullied and faced sexual harassment. Amazing performance given by @_PoojanChhabra_ ,@IshwakSingh #shrenikarora.Must watch once and you will get connected with the story for sure
— Vinay rajora (@IamVrajora) July 8, 2023
Some audiences also went on Instagram to share their love.
This universal love and acceptance for Adhura demonstrate that quality content always finds an audience. The seven-episode series is now streaming on Prime Video.
Directed and written by Gauravv K Chawla and Ananya Banerjee, Adhura features Rasika Dugal, Ishwak Singh, Shrenik Arora, Poojan Chhabra, Rahul Dev, Rijul Ray, Zoa Morani, Sahil Salathia, Aru Krishansh Verma and Jamini Pathak.