The documentary film is a Netflix UK submission by the Indian-origin London-based Singaporean filmmaker Aditya Thayi.
By: Mohnish Singh
Netflix has dropped the first look at filmmaker Aditya Thayi’s controversial documentary film King of Clones along with announcing its premiere date for June 23, 2023.
The documentary film, which has a runtime of 1 hour and 25 minutes, is based on the life and works of South Korean scientist Hwang Woo-suk, a renowned figure in stem cell research, who rose to fame with his successful cloning of cows and pigs.
The official synopsis for King of Clones on Netflix reads: “From groundbreaking human cloning research to a scandalous downfall, this documentary tells the captivating story of Korea’s most notorious scientist.”
The documentary film is a Netflix UK submission by the Indian-origin London-based Singaporean filmmaker Aditya Thayi who has previously scored 5 wins at the Asian Television Awards.
King of Clones stars Hwang Woo Suk as himself and has first-hand commentary from him after Thayi managed to get access to the scientist.
“I went into this film thinking that I was going to find a crazy monster in the science, but I find that the science – there’s nothing really wrong with it, it’s pretty solid…It has been possible to clone a human being for at least 10 years, the scientific ability is there, it’s just that somebody somewhere has to just do it,” Thayi told Variety in an exclusive interview.
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