• Sunday, September 08, 2024


Anand Mahindra praises Arnold Dix over India tunnel rescue commitment: ‘An Australian giving us master class’

Arnold Dix was also seen giving the rescue teams expert inputs and handling the impatient media and even offering prayers at a makeshift temple set up near the tunnel.

Dr Arnold Dix (Photo by ARUN SANKAR/AFP via Getty Images)

By: Shubham Ghosh

HE has remained around round the clock to ensure that the 41 workers who got trapped inside a collapsed under-construction tunnel in Uttarkashi in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand are brought out safely. While the men inside have been spending sleepless nights, Arnold Dix has also been doing the same outside.

On Tuesday (28), Indian business tycoon Anand Mahindra took to X to praise Dix, a world renowned tunnelling expert from Australia, who has remained committed and engaged in the rescue mission which is more than two weeks old now. He has not only been giving technical inputs to the rescue teams but also handling the impatient media and even offering prayers to a temporary temple at the site for the workers’ well-being.

Read: India finally finds light at end of tunnel as 41 trapped workers rescued

In his post that contained a video of Dix speaking to a reporter, Mahindra said, “Here’s an Australian giving us a master class.”

In the video, Dix, president of International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association, Geneva, is seen speaking about the situation with a lot of hope, “It’s like an epic from 3000 years! A mountain has taken 41 good workers, but keeping them warm, allowing food pipes, emergency services.”

Read: What is rat-hole mining, a banned practice that India opted to bring trapped workers out 

“We, as the people, are saying give us our children back,” he added.

Praising Dix’s way of explanation which was also applauded by netizens, Mahindra said, “The art of communication is essentially the art of storytelling. Our ancient culture has its roots in storytelling. But we need to revive & refine those skills.”

Dix was found offering prayers at the makeshift temple more than once and even took off his shoes while praying.

‘Local deity has to be pacified’

In a post on LinkedIn, he said, “Villagers in Uttarkashi believe that the collapse of the Silkyara-Polgaon tunnel, trapping 41 workers, is due to the destroying a temple dedicated to the local deity Baukhnaag Devta. They believe that unless the deity is pacified, rescue efforts will not be successful.

“For many it may come as a surprise to learn that for tunnelers and miners around the world TODAY small shrines ( to the local Gods ) are universally built – and miners ( tunnelers) take a moment to reflect on the perils and grace of a safe return to the surface.

“I have taken images from India, Qatar and Australia of these universally constructed “ shrines”

“I bow before the temple in India because it is an acknowledgement of my frailty and inconsequence – and my desire to return safely to the surface.”

The veteran, who holds a science and law degree from Monash University, Melbourne, and calls himself an ‘accomplished lawyer’ and a ‘technical and scientific expert’, has played many roles in the field of underground safety in his long career spanning three decades.

In 2020, Dix joined Lord Robert Mair Peter Vickery QC to form Underground Works Chambers, his website said. He comes up with technical and regulatory solutions to complex challenges in underground spaces.

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