By: Kimberly Rodrigues
Outrageous celebrity health trends have always fascinated us – from leech therapy and vampire facials to drinking wee-wee, charcoal, and basically everything, including voluntarily getting stung by bees, celebrities seem to have tried it all.
For the sake of their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, celebs are open to trying just about anything. Though these fads may be outlandish, they are all undeniably fascinating.
But having said that, all of the health fads adopted and promoted by celebrities have been rubbished and dismissed as utter nonsense by health experts.
Let’s check out some of the weirdest celebrity health and beauty trends here.
Getting a load of bees to sting you: Apitherapy
Actress Gwyneth Paltrow is literally buzzing about this therapy which she feels is incredible. She reportedly told The New York Times, “It’s a thousand of years old treatment … People use it to get rid of inflammation and scarring.”
However, Megan Ayala, a health expert and nutrition, and fitness expert on diet and weight loss website, Patricia and Carolyn reportedly told that apitherapy is not a good idea at all.
She is quoted as saying, “Bee sting therapy is literal death for honeybees.” She adds, “It is a cruel act towards the insects.”
Plus, Megan warns that the venom from bees induces a histamine response from the body – “This causes anything from irritation like swollen, reddened skin, to severe allergic reactions that can be life-threatening.”
A facial with your own blood: Vampire Facial
This process is known as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy or, more commonly a ‘vampire facial’ which is very painful said Kim Kardashian, who had smeared and injected her face with her own blood.
Megan reportedly said that the theory is that the ‘vampire facial’ is supposed to restore your youthful skin cells. However, there is zero scientific basis for this.
She is quoted as saying, “Getting your blood injected back in the skin can cause burning, redness, prolonged swelling, and bruises on the face. Certified dermatologists are hard to find, and they charge high fees, prompting people to go cheap, which is hazardous to their skin.”
Helping to boost your immune system: Vitamin IV drips
Celebrities such as Rihanna have dabbled in various such infusions, which are said to help boost the immune system and replenish the body’s lost vitamins and electrolytes.
Jonathann Kuo, an anaesthesiologist in New York, told Vogue that vitamin IV drips are not really necessary.
He reportedly said, “There are some vitamins and substances that react with each other” and it can result in a bad reaction.
Also, according to BuzzFeed News, “Aside from possible infections from improper needle use (which can happen in both hospital and home settings), vitamin toxicity can occur. For example, if you take too much vitamin B6, which is associated with brain health and mood improvement, you can damage your nerves in a way that can lead to permanent numbness in your limbs.”
Putting coffee in an alternative orifice: Coffee Enemas
Four years ago, Gwyneth Paltrow again, proclaimed via her lifestyle website Goop the health benefits of a DIY flush of room temperature coffee into the rectum, which could be delivered by something called the Implant O’ Rama.
This bizarre practice has reportedly caused some serious side effects including rectal burns, bowel perforation, infection, and even death, Healthline informs.
David M. Poppers, MD, Ph.D., reportedly told Men’s Health, “At-home enemas like the one Goop is promoting have also been associated with severe infections and sepsis and severe ‘degradation’ of the colon wall and perforations.”
According to Megan, “An incorrectly administered enema can damage tissue in your rectum, cause bowel perforation, and, if the device is not sterile, infections.”
Exposing your private parts to the sun: Vaginal bathing
Shailene Woodley, the American actress once reportedly told Into the Gloss she liked to give her vagina a little vitamin D… She is quoted as saying, “spread your legs and get some sunshine.”
Calling the concept ‘absurd’ Megan is reported to have said, “Yes, getting vitamin D is essential, but directly exposing your private parts to the sun is taking it too far.”
She warns, “It’s even riskier for people who have high-risk strains of HPV.
“Sunning the genital area would essentially increase the risk of HPV-related cancer.”
Drinking your own wee
The pop star, Madonna has reportedly said she likes to take an ice bath before drinking her own wee. British adventurer, Bear Grylls is also supposedly a fan of the latter.
Besides calling it ‘disgusting’ Megan is quoted as saying, “Consuming urine can cause bacteria and toxins to be directly immersed in your body and it can lead to kidney and multiple diseases.”