By: Shelbin MS
Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez have starred together in two films Kick and Race 3, and will be seen together for the third time on the big screen in Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai in which the actress has a special dance number.
Their chemistry is always loved by the audiences, so, today; let’s look at the list of five songs in which Salman and Jacqueline sizzled together…
Dil De Diya
Let’s start the list with the song Dil De Diya from the movie Radhe which has been released today. It’s an entertaining track and Jacqueline and Salman are simply amazing together. We are sure this song will be a chartbuster
Jumme Ki Raat
In Kick, Salman and Jacqueline collaborated together for the first time and moviegoers loved their jodi. The film was a blockbuster and the song Jumme Ki Raat was a rage. The hook step of the song is still quite famous.
In Kick, there was one more song that grabbed everyone’s attention. We are talking about the track Hangover. It was a beautiful romantic track and Salman and Jacqueline’s chemistry was surely the highlight of song.
Yaar Naa Miley
While the Nargis Fakhri and Salman Khan version of Yaar Naa Miley got all the limelight, even Salman and Jacqueline’s version of the song was damn good. Salman and Javqueline once again looked amazing together.
Race 3 didn’t do well at the box office and failed to impress the critics as well. But, the track Heeriye grabbed everyone’s attention. Salman and Jacqueline had danced their heart out in it.