• Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Keir Starmer to quit if Labour loses July 4 elections

The 61-year-old is favourite to emerge victorious in the next general election and become the first Labour premier in 14 years.

Labour leader Keir Starmer (c) (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)

By: Shubham Ghosh

LABOUR leader Keir Starmer on Friday (28) said he would step down if his party loses the July 4 general election.

The 61-year-old, who is favourite to become Britain’s next prime minister beating the incumbent Conservatives, acknowledged that his time as the leader of the opposition party would come to an end if the results were not favourable.

Asked during a BBC phone-in programme whether he would quit if Labour could not achieve success in the upcoming polls, The Holborn & St Pancras MP replied in the affirmative. He has been leading the Labour Party and serving as the leader of opposition since 2020 when he succeeded Jeremy Corbyn in both posts.

While leaders usually evade such questions during election campaigns since it puts their own personal future at stake but Starmer’s words indicated that he is confident of a win, a report by HuffPost reported.

Read: Starmer’s damage control on Bangladeshi TV after illegal migrant remarks trigger row

The Labour, which hasn’t tasted power after 2010, is enjoying a commanding lead over prime minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party, boosting the party’s support base that Starmer was certain to become the next premier.

Starmer also admitted that his recent remarks made about Bangladesh were ‘clumsy’.

Read: Absolutely no place for Hinduphobia in Britain: Starmer at Kingsbury temple

He triggered a fierce backlash after using the south Asian country as an example of where migrants could be potentially returned under his immigration policy.

Starmer later appeared on a Bangladeshi TV to explain his position, saying he did not want to offend anybody after his remarks caused disappointment even in his own party.

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