By: Shelbin MS
SHE may be a strikingly beautiful model and actress, but Karishma Kotak is perhaps at her best when lighting up a variety of TV shows with her winning hosting ability and asking high-profile international names searching questions.
Eastern Eye decided to turn the tables on the popular British talent by putting her in the hot seat with tricky problems to see what she would do. She lit up each answer with her winning smile and gave honest answers to some difficult questions.
A young child who looks up to you as a hero asks for help with their homework and you find it too difficult, what do you do?
I would sit and help with their homework. It’s fun and there’s nothing wrong with that. I get to learn so much from kids.
You agree to interview a prominent politician and then off the record they later say something vital to the public interest. Do you report it?
If I interviewed a politician and they say something else off the record, I would have to bounce that to my producer, and they would have to take a call. I would not have the authority to do that.
You go to a gay bar for a party and see your friend’s husband dressed in drag and working as a hostess incognito. What do you do?
I would have to tell my friend and let them know. These things might not be for everyone, but I would try and bring it to her notice.
You are about to do a hugely anticipated interview with a famous person on your show and realise they are high or drunk just before you go on air. What do you do?
If people are not having a good day or if they are drunk you have to have a laugh about it. Not mock them but play it down. You get them a nice strong black coffee and water, and extract what you want.
Your favourite elder in the family gifts you an awful outfit and expects you to wear it at a big family function. What do you do?
I would just say it didn’t fit. It’s a little loose or tight. I would wear it somewhere else. Take a picture on Instagram and tag them.
It is hours before your friend’s wedding and you have just come up with definitive proof that her soon-to-be husband is having an affair. What do you do?
If I find out a friend’s soon-to-be spouse is cheating on them, I would tell my friend. Marriages are difficult anyway. But starting a marriage based on lies has no chance of survival. I am all for honesty. I do want them to have a fantastic marriage but what if it never works out.
A friend buys you a lottery ticket as a gift and you secretly win £5,000. Would you share the winnings?
Yes, I would share the winnings. I would probably give them half of it. That’s pretty fair!
You are invited to the penthouse of a very famous star and accidentally spill orange juice on their expensive couch. Do you cover it up with a cushion or confess?
(Laughs) I have done this, and it has happened. I had to cover the couch. The famous person’s house that I went to was drunk and I hope that he hasn’t noticed yet.
You come across your partner’s diary, do you look inside it?
I can’t lie. If I come across it, I would take a sneak peek. Please don’t judge me on this.
Your single close friend, who is not dating material, wants to be fixed with up with your work colleague. What do you do?
The option is there to say my work colleague is dating someone, but why not give it a chance. She might not be dating material for someone else but may be suited to my work colleague. What is the worse that can happen?
You have brought expensive meals from a restaurant, which you serve at a dinner party. Everyone loves the food and compliments you on your amazing cooking. Do you accept the compliment?
I would probably take the compliment. (Laughs) If they are my real friends, they would know I haven’t cooked that.
You have just watched the worst Bollywood film at a premiere and the lead stars ask what you think straight after. What do you say?
This has also happened. I would say it’s interesting. But it depends on the star. I think they will know themselves, but your opinion is just a perspective and someone else may like it. It’s somebody’s hard work, so I would be diplomatic.
A close friend you know, who is totally unreliable and completely useless, asks for a job reference, do you give one?
No, I would not do that. I would not refer someone I can’t trust. The friend has asked me for a favour, and it may ruin my relationship, but I would be like, “I am sorry, I can’t”.
You go to interview a famous A-list superstar and notice his trouser zip is undone. Do you tell him?
No, I would not tell him. That’s a big no, no.
A friendly old lady is selling you a house and asking for way too little money. What do you do?
If she is asking me for little money, I would give what it is worth. It’s not morally correct to scam a sweet old lady at any time.
Someone anonymously sends your partner an expensive gift for their birthday, which you forgot. The partner thinks it’s from you, do you take credit for it?
No, I would not do that.
Someone you don’t really like invites you to an expensive restaurant impossible to get a booking at, you would love to try. Do you go just for the free meal?
No, I am not that attached to any restaurant that I would go to with someone I don’t like. No matter how good the food is, the company has to be good, if not great. The company is more important than the food.